Teamsters Local 492
Teamsters Local 492

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Learn About The Law That Weakens Your Union

"In our glorious fight for civil rights, we must guard against being fooled by false slogans, such as 'right to work.' It is a law to rob us of our civil rights and job rights. It is supported by Southern segregationists who are trying to keep us from achieving our civil rights and our right of equal job opportunity. Its purpose is to destroy labor unions and the freedom of collective bargaining by which unions have improved wages and working conditions of everyone. Wherever these laws have been passed, wages are lower, job opportunities are fewer and there are no civil rights. We do not intend to let them do this to us. We demand this fraud be stopped. Our weapon is our vote".-MLK, 1961 

RTW laws do not give workers the right to work, you already have that right; but instead RTW laws force Unions to represent workers that do not pay dues. By letting workers in Union Jobs stop paying dues but still reap all the benefits including Union Representation, the RTW laws weaken the Unions ability to function properly. RTW laws dilute the Union funds per member by decreasing dues paying members, but not decreasing the work load.

Since most of the dues (78%) fund the costs associated with running the Local Union (Business Agents, administration, negotiations, grievances, arbitrations, office costs, etc), those functions are severely stifled and hindered because the Local Union simply can no longer afford to function the way it does when all of the workers it represents pays their fair share of the costs of operating the Local Union. A lot of anti-Union pundits will say Union Dues go to fund political campaigns, that is not true and it is actually illegal for Unions to do that under Federal law. To learn how Unions get involved in politics, Read About DRIVE Here.

Below are many articles for you to read that will explain in depth how RTW Laws really work and we encourage you to read an in depth study done by EPI for New Mexico that breaks down everything invloved, then you can decide for yourself. Click Here. 

Click on any of the links below to learn more about RTW laws:

8-12-16 Freeloader Law On Hold in WV

Is "Right-to-Work" going to help New Mexicans? Click Here to read an in depth article written for New Mexicans that breaks down everything for both sides of the argument, then you decide. 

Download: Right-to-Work_2015.pdf

A study released in early March shows “right-to-work” laws hurt economies and don’t create jobs. The study by the Economic Policy Institute concludes: (1) So-called right-to-work laws have not increased employment growth in the states that have adopted them; (2) The case of Oklahoma, which in 2001 became the latest state to pass one of these laws, particularly underlines their failure to spur job growth. Since the law passed, manufacturing employment and relocations into the state reversed their climb and began to fall, precisely the opposite of what advocates promised; and (3) These laws may actually harm a state’s economic prospects and ability to develop employment in high-tech manufacturing, the “knowledge” sector and service industries dependent on consumer spending in the local economy. 

Read The 2015 Report About RTW in New Mexico Here

Seven Ways Pro-Worker Policies Help Everyone, Including Non-union Workers and CEO’s

A new report from the Illinois Economic Policy Institute and the University of Illinois Labor Education Program examines the differences between states that have "right to work" laws and states that don't, and states with and without prevailing wage laws. The report gives both general statistics and focuses specifically on the construction industry. Here are the top seven ways pro-working family policies are shown to benefit workers or CEOs:

  1. In states without "right to work" for less laws, the average worker (not just union workers) earns 6% more.
  2. An increase in union membership rate of 10% reduces income inequality between 4.7% and 14.5%.
  3. In states without "right to work" laws, CEO incomes were 17.9% higher in construction occupations than in "right to work" states.
  4. In states with prevailing wage laws, the median worker is paid 16.7% more than in states without prevailing wage laws.
  5. Prevailing wage laws reduce income inequality between the highest earners and lowest earners by 45.1%.
  6. States without "right to work" laws have lower income inequality by 2.5% to 8.2%.
  7. In states without "right to work" laws, workers earned 26.7% more in total income (including benefits).

Download: Right to Work Is the Wrong Answer for New Mexico's Economy.pdf

Page Last Updated: Feb 26, 2018 (14:45:12)
Teamsters Local 492
4269 Balloon Park Road NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87109

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