2010 Truck Driver Championship Roadeo Teamster Results
Teamsters Local 492 would like to thank all the Teamsters that participated in the 2010 TDC Roadeo. We would also like to thank ABF, SCS and YRCW for sponsoring their respective drivers in this year’s Roadeo. ABF took home 11 awards, YRC took home 3 awards, and SCS took home 1 award. Click Competition or Dinner to view photos. (Most Drivers names in this article are links to their individual picture.)
YRC sponsored 7 drivers this year and had 3 drivers that placed:
2nd Place Straight Truck Kim Hendrex- YRC Albuquerque
2nd Place 3 Axle Jack Rojas – YRC Albuquerque
3rd Place 3 Axle Chris Kovacs- YRC Farmington
Other Teamsters from YRC that competed were: From YRC Albuquerque, George Golemon (Twins). From YRC Farmington: Randy Amberman (3 Axle), Mark Gauthier (3 Axle), and Andre Lobato (3 Axle).
Grand Champion Kirk Weis, along with Steve Limas, Mike Contreras, and Ralph Garcia, will be representing the state of New Mexico at the Nationals in Dayton, Ohio August 3rd to the 7th.
1st Place and Grand Champion Straight Truck Kirk Weis
1st Place 5 axle Steve Limas
1st Place Flatbed Mike Contreras (2-peat)
1st Place Sleeper Ralph Garcia (8-peat)
2nd Place 4 axle Donnie Tafoya
ABQ’s City Operation was awarded the NM Fleet Safety Award for the 100,000 to 500,000 mile division. This is their 3rd win in 4 years.
ABF also won the NM Team Trophy (4-peat).
Other ABF Members that also competed were Alfonso Archuleta (Twins) , Jeffrey Locke (Tanker), Chad Sullins (Twins), Don Wood (3 axle) , James Morgan (Tanker), and Charlie Estrada (3 axle). Thanks to Jim Curtis for his help Roadeo hosteling.
NM Driver of the Month Award - April Kelvin Holly
NM Driver of the Month Award - August Gerald Martinez
Kelvin Holly was also named 2009 NM Driver of the YEAR!
Kelvin was given this award for his safe driving record, (over 3 million safe driving miles during his 31 year career), his 4 years of service as a ABF Road Team Member, his involvement in the Share the Road program, including being recognized by the NM DDS for his creation of a Power Point Presentation that gives students a visual reference for driving safe around trucks (staying out of Truck Driver blind spots, etc.), he also took a week of his own time to help organize and deliver the 9 Teamster truck loads filled with aid supplies for the Hurricane Katrina victims, he participated in the “Trooper And A Trucker” program for the state of Kansas 2 years in row, he was recognized for his Good Samaritan deed for helping a distressed motorist, and Kelvin has also helped ABF train/qualify CNM graduates for positions in the ABF line haul operation.
ABF Line Haul Manager Randy Archer nominated Kelvin for this award and was quoted as saying that “Kelvin goes above and beyond his regular duties of driving.”
Kelvin also serves the ABF members as a Union Steward for the 178 line drivers at ABF. He has served the thousands of NM Teamsters on the E-Board as a Trustee for Teamsters Local 492 for 8 years, and has represented NM at the TNBC for the last 7 years.
John Holland (Handle-“weight lifter”) who hired on at ABF (and Navajo ) in 1955 and retired in 1998 with 6 million safe miles, was recognized for his contributions to the trucking industry and his volunteer work as Treasurer of the NMSMC for the past 12 years. John was the 1st America’s Road Team Captain from ABF back in 1991.
ABF provided 3 Relo-cubes and water for the NM MTD’s Challenge Competition. Major Ron Cordova was very appreciative of our contributions. Kelvin, Ben Saiz, and Randy Archer were also interviewers for that part of their competition.
Support Contract Services sponsored 2 drivers this year. Ed Benavidez competed in the 3-axle and Brian Thais competed in the 4 axle. SCS Operations Manager Johnny Johnson was quoted as saying “This is the 2nd year for both (Ed and Brian) and they are gathering a great deal of experience (by competing in the Truck Roadeo) and will be class winners in the near future.”
NM Driver of the Month Award - November Ed Benavidez- SCS
As some of you may know, Johnny lost a Granddaughter to SIDS in 2002, and a close family friend of Johnny’s also lost their son to SIDS in 2005. In 2006, a family friend started a softball tournament in support of SIDS. Johnny’s family is now involved in 3 projects under the Riley/Ryken SIDS Fundraiser name. They had their 21 foot 2010 Travel Trailer on site at the Roadeo, and it was raffled off on May 15th. They sold lots of tickets and the raffle was a big success helping raise money for SIDS. You can Read More Here about the Riley/Ryken SIDS Benefit.
"We would like to say a great big Thank you to the Teamsters Local 492 for all that they did to help us be successful in our Riley/Ryken S.I.D.S. awareness raffle drive and to all the employees that were so kind and generous. The winner was an ABF employee, Robert Aragon, he bought his ticket at the Truck Driving Championships. Congratulations Robert! Enjoy the camper; a lot of people wanted it!
I want to say a very special Thank you to the ladies in the Local 492 office, Carol Reynolds and Darlene Archuleta, they did an awesome job selling tickets for us during their busy days, we can't say Thank you enough! Thanks again Trey (SIDS website page), you did an awesome job as well! “ – Johnny Johnson.