RTW Legislation Won’t Help Workers
New Mexicans should beware of the deceptive “right-to-work” legislation that politicians and CEOs are pushing.
The term ‘right to work’ was chosen by clever PR people to confuse the public about its true meaning. It sounds like something that helps workers. It isn’t. It’s nothing more than an intrusive government tactic to limit the power of unions.
The law already says no one in New Mexico can be required to join a union. It also says unions must represent every worker, whether they join or not. Unions may charge a fee to the workers they’re forced to represent – but only if the employer and employees agree. Right-to-work laws prevent employers and employees from making that decision.
The Chamber of Commerce doesn’t offer benefits to businesses that don’t pay dues. Unions shouldn’t have to, either.
Legislation like this is being promoted all over the country by a well-coordinated network of out-of-state billionaires and corporate special interest groups. They want to keep more profit for themselves. These are the same groups that are downsizing, shipping jobs overseas, and hiding profits offshore to avoid paying the taxes that families and small businesses have to pay.
At a time when middle-class families are struggling, we can’t afford these anti-worker laws. Studies show that in right-to-work states, like Mississippi and Indiana, workers earn $5,000 less a year. Six of the 10 states with the highest unemployment have these anti-worker policies.
The right-to-work proposal in New Mexico is a distraction that divides New Mexicans. The Legislature shouldn’t waste time on this issue. Instead, our leaders should be trying to improve the economy, create jobs and equip our schools with the tools to prepare our children for 21st century jobs.
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