Today the United States House of Representatives took three trade votes. There has been significant procedural maneuvering that has set us up for ANOTHER trade vote which we expect on Tuesday, June 16th.
As you are aware, Republican Leadership divided the Fast Track bill passed by the Senate into two separate votes. Both votes had to pass or the bill was dead. Republican leadership had committed that should the first vote fail they would not move onto the second vote.
The first vote was on Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) which the Teamsters Union OPPOSED and SCORED. While we have traditionally supported TAA we opposed in this instance because the funding was below an acceptable level, public employees were not included in the program and the program was funded through cuts to Medicare.
The second vote was on Trade Promotion Authority (TPA – Fast Track) which the Teamsters Union OPPOSED and SCORED. The Teamsters have always opposed Fast Track.
After hours of debate the first vote (TAA) was taken. TAA was voted down by a margin of 126 to 302.
The Republican went ahead and took the second vote (TPA). TPA passed by a margin of 219 to 211.
Because the TAA was voted DOWN the bill was considered dead.
However – Speaker Boehner made a motion to recommit and while the voice vote was clearly in opposition the Republican Chair ruled in favor of Speaker Boehner. This sets up a revote early next week on TAA. If TAA passes in the revote – the entire Fast Track bill will have passed and will be sent to the President.
WE HAVE TO HOLD ALL OF OUR NO VOTES ON TAA. We will notify you as soon as we know when the revote will occur. We will need your help to make sure TAA is once again voted down. Linked to this email are the roll call votes for both TAA and TPA so that you may see how your member voted; we are asking that if your member voted correctly on both bills you call to thank them, and ask them to oppose TAA if it is brought back up next week. (NOTE ON HOW TO READ THE ROLL CALL VOTE: Roll Call 361 is the TAA vote, Roll Call 362 is the TPA vote. Democratic Representatives names are in italics.)
To be clear – if TAA fails on the revote Fast Track is dead. If TAA passes on the revote Fast Track goes to the President for signature.